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Okay, time for the update! Okay, have been pretty lazy all week. Haven't done a lot of work. But I did do a bit!
Inserted 2 chapters of Knights of the Realm's story into the game. 7 chapters left...
Haven't done any of the NPCs yet, so towns are a bit barren. Need to do them straight after inserting the main story into the game.
Also on a more personal note. Decided on getting rid of my tablet. Not my drawing tablet, but my youtube watching tablet. Screw tablets man, they make me so lazy, I've barely watched t.v. or played any video games because I have been so addicted to that goddamn thing. So I got rid of it. And already I've noticed an improvement. Started watching Carol And The End of The World...
Really good show! Love how it's about someone in their early forties, instead of always 20 year olds. And the dialog is fairly realistic and grounded as well, for a comedy there really isn't a lot of wacky hi-jinks. So glad I finally kicked the habit to watch this show. I feel refreshed after watching it.
Also bought a standup desk lately. Technically last week I bought it, for 569 australian dollary-doos. Well worth the price, it feels good standing up at my desk instead of standing!
Anyway, that's about it! Until next time!